Painting Exhibit (of the late Joey Velasco) - celebraTINg exisTENce

Painting Exhibit (of the late Joey Velasco)

"They are actually not poor because they have Jesus."


I have been keeping a copy of this painting in my room for years now.  And tonight, I learned who the painter was. He has already passed away though because of a kidney ailment if I'm not mistaken; but he left something for us and for the future generations as well.

Here I'm sharing with you some pictures of some of his other creations.
Tonight is the launching of this exhibit/gallery which will run starting today (Sept. 18 to 27) at Santurario's Columbary Lobby

I liked the theme in Filipino but I forgot what the words are... but it has "sa mga mata ni San Vicente." 
Food for the guests.

And punch as tonight's drinks.
I seriously thought that these were just plain juices at first but I got a little bit dizzy after drinking 5 glasses. haha. Low alcohol tolerance. 
Doggy, are you listening to the documentary too?
They projected some scenes from a documentary before the ribbon cutting.
Mr. Velasco's wife did the honors of cutting the ribbon.
"Finding God in the simplicity of life."
I did enjoy looking at the paintings but reading the descriptions gave more emotions to it. (And I don't know if this made sense.)

You don't need to be an art critic to be able to appreciate the beauty of his paintings. 
Don't miss your chance and visit here if you're near our area.

This exhibit is one of the programs of our parish in celebration of St. Vincent's feast which will be on Sept. 27.

Also, today is the start of the Novena masses for the feast every 6 PM.

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