My Accidental Picky Coin Bank - celebraTINg exisTENce

My Accidental Picky Coin Bank

I always have coins in my purse, ideally I have 10.00, 5.00, 1.00, .25 and these days even .10 and .5 coins. 

Why? The main reason for carrying coins is I dislike paying PUV drivers with paper bills. As much as possible, I try to pay them the exact amount. This practice also saves them the hassle of needing to compute my change while driving though I assume that it's already easy as pie for them and for other events when they don't have changes to give which will end up in two ways; just letting you ride for free or not giving you a change at all. Having experienced the latter was probably the reason why I love coins now. Hehehe.

Another thing, I cleaned up and was able to gather coins of .25, .10 and .5 which amounted to more or less P 50.00. I am trying to dispose of them now by dropping some on donation boxes I see in random places (I know it's a small amount but better than nothing) and by paying the cashiers. I experienced paying an Ate with exact amount until the last cent which was something like .85 and she smiled at me with her I-don't-really-understand-expression, was I the first one to do that? I think no naman! 

Okay, so, what's a picky coin bank?
Apparently, there's this concept of choosing a certain money denomination which you're not allowed to spend. You'd have to place it all in your coin bank. And when filled, you can choose to deposit the coins in your savings account or treat yourself for a job well done.

And my accidental picky coin bank?

Well, I have coins which are placed in different recycled containers for the ease of refilling my purse whenever I have spent everything in there already.

I have picky coin containers for years but I didn't realize sooner that, that habit would have allowed me to save money. 
I can attest that coins really rescued me from poorita days, seriously. I can't even remember how many times it fed me when I didn't have anymore money in my main wallet. But I'd have to let go of a denomination 'cause I'm now keeping them as my savings and not as money to spend however I want.
When I learned about the concept of the picky coin bank, I decided to count my 5.00's which I started collecting since I can't remember when and they amounted to P 400.00. I saved P 400.00 effortlessly.

I'm doing the picky coin bank challenge with P 10.00 as my chosen denomination. I can't afford not to spend my P 5.00's 'cause I need them for jeepney fares.
Here's my 10.00 picky coin bank already half-full.
I wonder how much will I be able to save if I drop coins in here religiously? EXCITED!! 

If I get to fill this, it will all be deposited in another savings account I'm thinking of creating.
Eyes are on you, BPI Easy Saver.

Purchase your CVV Sticker here. 

Everything, in time. 💖


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